For laboratories

The Abomics PGx interpretation service provides clinical laboratories with pharmacogenetic reports produced with the Abomics pharmacogenetic interpretation software by our team of experts in genetics, bioinformatics, pharmacology and medicine.


Pharmacogenetics (PGx) is a rapidly growing field of medicine that combines genetics with pharmacology. It is widely known that patients’ responses to drugs vary due to individual genetic differences. Liver enzymes control the metabolism of many pharmaceuticals, and variations in the expression of these enzymes can alter the rate at which drugs are metabolised. Fast metabolism is often related to poor effect of the drug and slow metabolism can cause unnecessary adverse drug reactions. These variations can be predicted through pharmacogenetic testing, making it possible to adjust medication to fit each patient’s particular metabolic phenotype. This allows for safer and more effective medication for everyone.

PGx Interpretation Service

Abomics PGx is our pharmacogenetic interpretation and reporting service that turns your genetic data into a simple, yet comprehensive pharmacogenetic report that is easily accessible to the laboratory, the treating clinician as well as the patient. The Abomics interpretation report is approved by medical professionals and includes actionable medication recommendations to aid the treating clinician in choosing the right medicine and the right dose for the right patient, making personalised medicine reality.

Abomics worldwide PGx interpretation service offers customizable solutions for your reporting and integration needs, supporting multiple languages, with data storage in the EU and adherence to the ISO 13485 standard.

Plan your PGx panel

When starting a pharmacogenetic test service, there are several key factors to consider: the genes included in the panel, the technology and equipment used, and how to report the results back to the client. We offer a comprehensive solution to accessing and utilising the information gained through pharmacogenetic testing and can support you throughout every stage of planning and implementing your PGx test panel.

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